• Эхлэл
  • 960 thousand citizens received cash for Tavantolgoi shares

960 thousand citizens received cash for Tavantolgoi shares


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Every citizen of Mongolia owns 1072 shares of Erdenes Tavan tolgoi. Citizens over 18 years have been granted rights to sell 30% of its shares on June 13.

1,200 thousand out of 1,650 thousand people holding rights to sell 30% of its shares, have applied for the commercial banks to   sell their shares.

Citizens who have applied before June 13, started receiving their 100,000 as a first allotment of cash totaling 300,000 tugrugs.

So far total of 960,000 citizens received their first allotment.

Монгол эхийг унших бол энд дарж орно уу

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