• Эхлэл
  • 200 people made homeless face harsh winter

200 people made homeless face harsh winter


An estimated 200 people from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar, including a disabled man and families with children, are in desperate need of adequate accommodation.

With no heating, missing windows and doors, and winter temperatures dropping to -30°C, authorities must immediately provide emergency, alternative and adequate housing.

Between April and July 2015, at least 28 households moved out of Building #3, in the 10th unit (khoroo) of Sukhbaatar district in Ulaanbaatar. Some of the residents who accepted an offer by private developers, to receive an apartment in a new building they planned to construct, told Amnesty International they were asked to remove windows and doors to show their intent to move out. The building was further vandalized and is now uninhabitable.

No progress has been made in the construction of the new building and households were only offered enough money to cover 12 month’s rent. With no timeline available, the individuals face an uncertain future and will either have to move back to an uninhabitable Building #3, seek alternate accommodation at their own expense or stay with relatives indefinitely.

Some of those that did not accept the company’s offer moved out of Building #3’s intolerable conditions. Five households however, including a disabled man confined to a wheelchair and a family with young children, remained in their apartments during the winter of 2015/16. Since April 2016, an additional five households were forced to return as the cost of paying rent elsewhere was too high.

Following lobbying by residents and Amnesty International, the former Capital City Governor signed a Decree on 24 June 2016 calling for alternative accommodation for 10 households only. Local elections on 29 June, and a consequent change of government, have since put the process into question.

Please write immediately in English, Mongolian or your own language urging the Mongolian authorities to:

• Provide emergency, alternative and adequate housing for all residents of Building #3 in the 10th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district in Ulaanbaatar
• Guarantee that acceptance of temporary alternative housing will not result in residents forfeiting their rights to their homes in Building #3
• Ensure that nobody is left homeless or vulnerable to other human rights violations as a result of a development-based eviction


Capital City Governor 
Mr. S.Batbold 
SukhbaatarSquare #7
Chingeltei District 
Ulaanbaatar 15160
Email: batbold.s@ulaanbaatar.mn
Salutation: Mr. S. Batbold

Deputy Mayor 
Mr. P.Bayarkhuu
Sukhbaatar Square #7
Chingeltei District
Ulaanbaatar 15160
Email: bayarkhuu.p@ulaanbaatar.mn
Salutation: Mr. P.Bayarkhuu

And copies to:
Head of Master Planning Agency of Capital City
Mr. E. Anar 
Master Planning Agency of the Capital City 
Ts. Jigjidjav Street – 7/1, Chingeltei District
Ulaanbaatar 15160, 
Email: e.anar@mpa.ub.gov.mn

For Mongolian version please visit here

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  • Б.Батототгон
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